"Our Currency For Tomorrow Is The Intelligence We create Today"
- Tom Kavanaugh- 
Follow My Journey...
Just say, "YES!" 
That has been my motto when faced with new experiences my whole life; and, that's what created the desire to explore life to its fullest!

It hasn't all been a joy ride...

No, far from that.

And yet, there's been a huge amount of learning and experiencing that has taught me how to help others in different ways...

You're about to discover for yourself...

How you can benefit from this journey... too!
 Insights into Self-Empowerment
This book is the culmination of a life-long goal for many authors. 
More importantly, it's an opportunity for the world to get to know people who are changing it one person at a time.

What makes this book so important in my life is the opportunity it provided to be in collaboration with one of my life's heroes, Tom Hopkins.

The other unique aspect of participating in this specific book in the series is that my good friend, Leigh Adams, also a contributing author, was the catalyst, and the reason I was able to participate in this incredible book series!

As we get to know each other better over time, you'll hear more about Tom Hopkins and Leigh Adams, and the roles they played in my life to help me become all I am capable of being in this world!

The Change
Your Life After Trauma

Powerful Practices to Reclaim Your Identity
For many years I've worked at learning how to help people let go of their attachment to the negative emotions of the past which no longer serve a useful purpose in their life.

To that end, my studies have been long and deeply enriched with many experiences to help mold the concepts which created The R.E.L.E.A.S.E. Method for which I was interviewed; and, subsequently quoted in Michele Rosenthal's seminal work:  Your Life After Trauma

Now is the time

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